
One of the best ways to learn how to earn more followers, have a better Instagram profile, etc., is to study successful Instagram. It's important to know how you can look better on Instagram, but it's helpful to see who applies these actions and how they apply them.

The appearance of your Instagram is not the only thing that matters, but it's one of many factors that determine whether a person is following you and whether they buy you or not. We'll take a look at four Instagram stores below and what they do with their photos.

What you can learn from these stores on aesthetic Instagram profiles

1. Twill and print

Lo que puedes aprender de estas 4 tiendas sobre perfilesTwill and Print is a shop owned by Tiffany Kerr and she writes in her biography that she is a bag designer, knitter, flair and designer based in Montreal. You can easily see what we can learn from this shop with 14,000 followers.

L & # 39; aesthetics. His Instagram profile, although filled with many colors, not only makes it look messy, but also looks very well prepared. It is not difficult for a brand with some colors to have an aesthetic profile, but Tiffany manages to give it a warm and inviting appearance with all the colors of the rainbow.

Here's how you want your profile to appear. You want a uniform look that satisfies your subscribers (and more importantly, potential subscribers). You do not want colors that do not match, a mess that stresses people or an uncomfortable look. The followers love the aesthetic profiles that make them satisfied.

Questions for Action: How can you give your images an aesthetic, pleasant and satisfying appearance? How can you include the colors of your brand?

2. Toucan Dodo

1560225607 907 Lo que puedes aprender de estas 4 tiendas sobre perfiles1560225607 659 Lo que puedes aprender de estas 4 tiendas sobre perfilesThis is another shop owner who is doing something big with his pictures. Sara Theron, owner of Dodo Toucan, molds and paints ceramic figurines. With more than 20,000 followers, she clearly knows what she's doing.

Sara's profile stands out not only for the user-friendliness, but also for the real images of her products. If you want to stand out from your competition, you want to be creative with the images of your products.

As you can see in the picture above, Sara arranges her ceramics in a unique way. She could have easily put a ceramic in front of a colored background and take a picture, but that does not stand out, is not it? If you look at the second picture, she arranged her ceramics to give the impression that they were in the forest with a background of trees. She did not use only ceramics, she also placed those animals that would live there. He stands out.

Questions to consider: How to organize your products so that they attract a person's eye and do not fit the standard product image of most people? What creative image will succeed in selling your items?

3. Fernweh Home

1560225607 267 Lo que puedes aprender de estas 4 tiendas sobre perfilesGrace Sarris, owner of Fernweh Home, also manages something you will want to do with your Instagram profile. His profile evokes the feeling. She is a carpenter who creates sets for houses (and has more than 10,000 followers). Depending on your store, your brand and your products, you may wish to evoke joy, lightness, comfort, rebellion, etc.

Grace sells products for the home, what feeling would she conjure up with her Instagram aesthetic? She wants you to feel warm, comfortable and comfortable. It does exactly that, if you look at the picture above. Beiges, browns and whites relax you. But you may be wondering: what's the point?

Here's what to say: When you look at her pictures, they make you think, "I wish my house is as comfortable as possible." So, take a look at what's in the room. His products. If these products can give your room the appearance and the resulting sensation so that it can also give your room a similar appearance and feel, then you buy the product. It's an intelligent tactic.

Questions for Action: What feeling do you want to evoke with your Instagram profile? How will you configure your Instagram images and aesthetics to achieve this?

4. Catastrophic creations

1560225607 904 Lo que puedes aprender de estas 4 tiendas sobre perfilesWith 43,000 subscribers, Catastrophic Creation does one thing that every Instagram store wants to do. This store sells "hardcore cat furniture" and, as you can see in the photo above, they are doing well. How can I know? Because most of the posts in this profile are user-generated content. This means that they publish videos and images that customers have sent to them.

I believe that their content is one of the things that contribute to their growing success. As you can see, they do not just publish photos of their products. They share the content of the cats that interact with the products.

This is a good choice because any cat owner who accesses this page will watch the video of a cat playing with the Catastrophic Creation furniture and will automatically see their own cat doing the same thing. A picture of the product may make one think of a potential customer: "Oh, that's cool," but a video of a cat playing with the furniture will make the potential customer think: "Hey, that could be my cat!". are more likely to buy.

It's not just about the images of your products, it's about letting others see what they might look like (their pet, their home, etc.). You put them in this position.

Questions for Action: How can you ask your customers to share their pictures with you? And / or how can you take pictures in which you or another person interact with your products?


  • Make your Instagram look like its general fit. No image, color or random product. Everything must match and be aesthetic.
  • Organize your products so that they stand out instead of having a basic image seen thousands of times. Make them unique.
  • Evoke the sentiment of your subscribers that encourages them to buy your product.
  • Share photos that allow potential customers to see you using your product. Interact with your products

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