Instagram It is one of the most used social networks in the world, with millions of users who make use of the social network on a daily basis around the entire planet. This visual platform allows us to be in contact with people in our environment such as family or friends, but also with other people who for one reason or another we follow even though we do not know them, such as athletes, actors and actresses, influencers, musicians ..., using publications of all kinds and, especially, the well-known and popular Instagram Stories.

During the coronavirus quarantine, Instagram was one of the social networks most used by users to entertain themselves and spend hours of boredom, but also to communicate with others. In fact, there were many who transferred their work sector to this social platform, which led to concerts, cooking classes, fitness classes, interviews, and so on. All this did nothing more than prove all the interest and potential that these types of social networks have.

Instagram is a social network that is a perfect place for brands to reach their potential customers and see their sales increase, although for this it is necessary to make these users have access as direct and simple as possible, which is why it is very possible that you are interested in knowing how to add links on Instagram, which is what we are going to explain to you next. In this way you will know all the ways for it.

How to add links on Instagram

Next, we are going to explain the different places on the social network where you can put links, so that you can see all your doubts resolved.

In the biography

The most used option to place links on Instagram is to do it directly in the biography. In fact it is the most common place to place the link to the business website, one of the few places on Instagram where it is possible to add a link.

To do this, you just have to fill in your profile account data and in the settings you will have a field to be able to place the web address. When a person clicks on it, it will take them directly to your website or to the link you have chosen to place.

In publications

Another possibility that exists is to add links in the publications that are made. However, even if you can place the link, you should know that Instagram does not allow to place "clickable" links, so in the texts of the publications you can place the link, but no one will have the possibility to click on it to access it.

Despite this, many people put it, since for some users it is an advantage to be able to access the exact content they want through that specific link, although for this they will have to copy and paste. In this sense, if you want to place a link in this way, the most advisable thing is that you resort to some type of url shortener, As is the case Bitly, thanks to which you can shorten long links to make them much easier to remember and write.

On Instagram TV (IGTV)

You can take advantage of the videos you post on the Instagram video platform (IGTV) to be able to add links in the description of the video, this being one of the most used ways of sharing links to a website on the social platform.

In this case, you can click on the link to display automatically open the web address to which it is linked. Therefore, it is a great option for all those who want to recommend products or complement the information that has been provided in the video itself, thus increasing visibility and therefore achieving a greater number of sales by directing to a greater number of people to that website where you can carry out the purchase of a product or the contracting of a service.

On Instagram stories

The perfect place to place a link is the Instagram Stories, especially considering that they are the most used function by users and preferred by many. To do this, in the stories you can add the option Slide, to be able to access the link that is hidden after the publication. However, keep in mind that this option is not available to everyone, but you must meet one requirement: that you have more than 10.000 followers or have a verified Instagram account.

In these ways you can add links to your Instagram account, an option that has a great capacity to satisfy all those stores and businesses that can find a target audience that is in charge of hiring their products or services or simply to bring traffic to your website.

It is important to know all these possibilities, especially considering that Instagram is very strict with regard to links, in a decision that has been made to avoid SPAM. Despite this, the comments in which announcements are made through the comments occur despite the fact that the link appears but is not clickable.

In any case, links are important to be able to generate traffic to other platforms, being used for very different purposes but under this guideline, being key within any marketing strategy, since otherwise the mission of what to carry is very complicated. people to a website.

That said, if you have a store or any business or website to which you want to bring more user traffic, it is recommended that you start placing your links in the different places that we have mentioned, so that you can thus give them greater visibility. . If you do, you will see how visits to those websites increase significantly, as long as you have an Instagram account with enough followers.

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