On many occasions a WhatsApp group for a particular purpose, making that once that event or act for which it was created has taken place it no longer makes sense to continue keeping it active, mainly because no one uses it anymore. If this has happened to you in any of the groups that you have created, it is very likely that you will be interested in knowing how delete WhatsApp group, a process that, of course, you can only carry out if you are group administrator.

The procedure is very simple to perform, so if you want to know how to delete a WhatsApp group You just have to follow the instructions that we are going to give you below. However, first of all it is recommended that you know that you will not be able to delete the group Unless there is no one in it. Therefore, you will have to have administrator permissions and eliminate all members or ask them to leave and then, being the only one left in the group, leave it, which will make it disappear, as it does not have members.

In any case, even if it's that simple, if you want to know how to delete a WhatsApp group We are going to tell you everything you must take into account for it.

Check if you are the administrator

First of all, to find out how delete WhatsApp group You should know that the first thing you have to do is check that you are the group administrator, for which it is enough that you enter the group in question that you want to delete and click on the three point icon that appears in the upper right part of the screen and, in the drop-down menu, select the option Group Info. This is so if you have a terminal Android, while if you have a iOS you will have to access the group and click on the group name on top.

In both operating systems, in this way, you will access the group information. When you access it, you will be able to see how all the information related to the group in question appears on that same screen. You will have to go down to where the list with all the members of the group appears, where you can see how in You a label will appear called Group admin in case you are. If it does not appear this way, you are not the creator of that group.

In this way, if you want to delete the group without being an administrator, what you will have to do is ask one of the group's administrators to add you as one so that you can do the process yourself, or, failing that, ask them to do it themselves. . The appropriate thing in these cases is that reports previously to the whole world so that it closes. However, in many cases the closure is usually due to inactivity, although before starting to dismiss the members it will always be advisable that you inform them of the reason.

How to close a WhatsApp group

Once you have made sure that you are the group administrator, or if you already knew it previously, it is time to start following the steps to delete WhatsApp group, for which you have to start, as we have already mentioned, by notify others that you are going to close the group. It will be enough for you to send a message to that same group a while before, which will also make it possible for you to somehow invite them to go out on their own. In addition to saving you work, you will avoid questions and possible anger.

Once you have made it known to all users and have waited a while for them to read it, it is time to start expel all those who still remain inside. To do this you must return to the screen group information, that is, in which you find all the settings and with the list of all the members of the same.

When you are in it, you must keep your finger pressed on the name of the person you want to eject (Android) or just press on it (on iOS). This will bring up a pop-up menu where you can choose between different options, including power Remove from group. You just have to click on this option and confirm that you want to remove that contact from the group.

After confirmation that person will be expelled from the group. Repeat this step with all members of the group until only you are left in it. Once you are the only person in the group, you just have to go to the bottom part of the section group information and click on the button Leave group, that will allow you delete group.

As you can see, it does not have any kind of difficulty, although it must be borne in mind that in order to eliminate the group previously you will have had to eliminate all its members or have asked them to leave it and do so.

When you are the last person to leave the group, a window will appear with the information and in it you will have to click on Delete group to delete it permanently. That will make you no longer able to enter it, so it will already be deleted and no one will be able to access it.

The only thing you must bear in mind when carrying out this process is that you will lose all the messages and documents that have been sent to the group, so when you leave it you will not be able to recover those contents in any way. For this reason it is recommended that first of all you take a look at all the files that were sent to it so that you can check if you are really sure of the deletion of the group at that moment or if, on the contrary, you prefer to save a photo or video before proceeding to its total elimination.

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