If you are a person who likes to share their tastes and the musical discoveries you make with others, you should know that you can already do it through Facebook stories, in the same way that you can do it for a long time with Instagram Stories, which is owned by Faceboook itself.

This Friday, August 30, Spotify was the platform in charge of announcing that Facebook users will be able to make use of the music from the musical platform to share their stories on the social network, so that people on it can listen to up to 15 seconds of the shared song and that, with just one click on it, you can listen to the entire song directly on Spotify.

Spotify has announced this new function that has the clear objective of helping all those artists who seek to promote their music through social networks, but it is also very useful for all those people who want to share their favorite music with others. users of the social network or simply put a soundtrack to a publication to give it even greater relevance and arouse more interest among its followers.

If you want to know how to add music to your Facebook stories You must bear in mind that the process is very simple, as in the case of the stories of Instagram, so if you are used to performing this action in this last social network, you will not have any problem doing the same in the main social network of the company created by Mark Zuckerberg.

How to add music to your Facebook stories

If you want to know how to add music to your Facebook stories You must go to your Spotify account and select the song that you are interested in sharing with others, and click on Share, to then select Facebook Stories and thus add the song to your story.

When you publish it, the button will appear Play on Spotify so that whoever wants to can listen to the song in its entirety directly from the application of the streaming music service. At the same time, you can listen to a 15-second preview, which lasts for an Instagram story, a preview that will be available to share a song, since in the event that you decide to share an album or an artist's profile, whatever will appear in Facebook stories is the ability to access this content through Spotify.

This way you see how to add music to your Facebook storiesand thus be able to make musical recommendations to your friends and acquaintances, something very useful for all those people who want to show others the music they are listening to at a certain moment, a song that they like a lot or any new release they have seen and that they consider it appropriate to share so that other people can discover it, among many other purposes.

Music is clear that it is an active part of the daily life of many people, who spend the day glued to their headphones or speakers, either when enjoying leisure moments such as sports, or when traveling in a vehicle or any other means of transport, or even when working.

It is obvious that music has a major importance in the lives of many users and that is why all these additional functionalities that decide to launch social platforms and that have to do with music tend to be very well received by the community , which thus sees their wishes to be able to interact on a musical level and be able to share their favorite songs with other users, which at the same time can give rise to an interaction between users by commenting on different aspects regarding the author, singer or the song itself that has been decided to share.

In this way, Spotify continues to be integrated into Facebook services, after long ago doing the same with Instagram and its Instagram Stories, the most popular functionality among users of the social platform, where music is used. from Spotify in a very common way.

In fact, it is very common to see a cone in the vast majority of stories, especially those that are in static image format and not video, the photo in question is accompanied by a text, mention or hashtag and also a song, or on many other occasions, just a song, which is displayed at all times just below the user who created the story so that whoever wants to can access the song.

Similarly, on Instagram the album or song title appears in the form of a sticker that can be adjusted in size and arrangement to adapt to the needs and preferences of each user and, in addition, since the last update of this functionality it can be placed the lyrics of the song in question, making it possible to give greater importance to the message to be transmitted by being able to use it so that users, beyond listening to the song, can read what is said in the text fragment that the person creator of the story wanted to stand out and that, on many occasions, is associated with a key message related to the published story.

In this way, you can already enjoy the integration with Spotify on Facebook, although at the moment it does not have as much relevance or functionality as it does in the case of Instagram, although if it has a great reception by users it is very likely that you get to enjoy exactly the same functionalities that can be used in relation to this function in this last social network, where it would be unimaginable not to be able to accompany the stories with the music that each user wants at all times and at each place.

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