The Shopify platform is a CMS or web content manager that is focused on the world of electronic commerce, being a platform that serves to make its way into the world of online sales. It is a platform that allows anyone create and customize your online store in a very simple and fast way thanks to the hundreds of templates available that adapt to each type of business.

Shopify is a good option for many people, especially to take the first steps of a business in the world of online sales, since it offers many ease of use that makes it an option to take into account. However, despite all its ease of use and all the additional features they offer that make it an excellent option for many businesses, you have to keep in mind that you need to work on your SEO. Therefore, we are going to give you a series of keys so that you know how to improve SEO positioning in Shopify.

Keys to improve the positioning of your online store in Shopify

There are very few online stores that have high traffic from the first minute, since to achieve this requires time, work and a good SEO strategy. If you want to know how to improve SEO positioning in ShopifyBelow we are going to give you a series of tips and keys so that you can achieve a better positioning for your online store:


If you want to know how to improve SEO positioning in Shopify, you must start with one proper configuration, being key for your online store to attract many users. For this, your website must be properly structured, so that it is easy for visitors to understand, but also for Google.

Search engines must interpret the website correctly, so that they value it better and have a better SEO positioning.


A good hierarchy and logic at the time of carrying out the organization and distribution of the corresponding categories and subcategories is key for the correct configuration of a website, bearing in mind that the store must always be intuitive, fast and easy to use. be handled by the user, since otherwise the user will not be able to enjoy a great experience.

It is essential that every user is totally comfortable moving around your store, and this will increase the visit time that the user spends in it, as well as the reduction of the bounce percentage and will increase their satisfaction, and therefore their loyalty .


All users, regardless of their cultural or knowledge level, or if they are disabled, must be able to access and understand our Shopify website. All users are potential customers, so our store must be suitable for all audiences. You should use a simple and popular language: the size of the letters, the superimposition of colors, the visualization of images ... all these are the keys to improve SEO positioning.

Keyword Study

As in any platform, this is the most important point to improve SEO in Shopify. You need to research these keywords and place them strategically in our online store. Title, description, category, tags ... the keywords they must appear in all the main points of our page. Always combine carefully, logically and without abuse. If not, it will be against you. You can research in a more traditional way by looking at the top searches, keywords used by top competitors, etc.

Copy writing

Valuable content is very important to improve SEO on Shopify. A complete and well-written description (including the long tail) will help search engines understand the information we provide to users, rank better, and improve our quality and customer service.

Web blog updates

The constant updating of our pages is essential to provide customers with new and valuable content, correct errors and improve SEO position in Shopify. It is necessary to optimize and update the content on a regular basis, and it is best to follow a calendar that gives meaning to our actions. An outdated website is a forgotten website. This not only improves SEO in Shopify, but also improves brand impression by customers.

Image descriptions

The good description that accompanies the image is essential to improve SEO in Shopify. Believe it or not, these texts are also crawled by search engines, so you can find traffic from the "Google Images" section. Don't close the door, more channels and more visits. Likewise, incorrect descriptions can also negatively affect you.

Responsive web design

It is essential to adapt our website to mobile devices. First of all, because Shopify will punish us if it is not handled properly. And, on the other hand, users must be able to access our store from any device (smartphone, tablet, personal computer) without access or usability problems. Otherwise, you will leave our website and become a lost customer.

Taking into account all of the above is essential to be able to achieve the best results when it comes to achieving the better SEO positioning in Shopify, a platform that has grown enormously in recent years to try to create e-commerce solutions.

One of its great advantages is the ease of use and start-up of any business, which makes it possible to build any online store in a very fast and efficient way, with the advantage that this supposes with respect to other software that can be find currently on the market. In any case, if you bet on using it, you must take into account all the tips and indications that we have indicated throughout this article, so that you can get the most out of it.

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