The hashtags of Instagram are key within your marketing strategy on Instagram, so it is highly recommended to take them into account. If you use them correctly when carrying out your publications on the social network, your publications may be seen by a greater number of people who may be interested in your products or services.

However, just as it is important to use them correctly to enjoy the best results, it is just as relevant to avoid misusing them, since if you do not use them in the most suitable way you will find that you may be penalized. thus.

In order to make use of hashtags in an effective way it is important that you know how they work, in addition to carrying out an effective strategy. For this reason, we are going to explain How to get more reach with hashtags on Instagram.

What are Instagram hashtags and why use them

Un hashtag It is a combination of letters, numbers and even emojis that are preceded by the pound sign (#). These are used to categorize and tag certain content and thus make it more visible.

You can click on them, causing a page to be automatically displayed in which all the publications that have been made under that same hashtag will be displayed.

Hashtags are an important way to reach a greater number of users and thus reach a greater number of people. When using one of them, the post will appear on the results page for that particular hashtag; And if it is used in an Instagram story, it can be included in the stories that also appear on the page itself with the results for that hashtag.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that Instagram allows users to follow hashtags, which will make any publication that is made with that tag in question appear in your feed.

Instagram hashtags are, therefore, a perfect option to be able to build a community in the social network and to be able to create a community with which users feel identified and interact when it comes to having a better image and notoriety about your brand.

One point to keep in mind before continuing to talk to you about how to get more reach with Instagram hashtags is that you know that the most popular hashtags do not have to be the most effective, since a large number of posts with a tag means that there are many people who may be interested in it, but it will also mean that there is a lot of competition, and for Therefore, it will be more difficult to stand out from the rest of the competitors. Therefore, it will be preferable to opt for some less competitive options.

Most popular types of hashtags for Instagram

Instagram divide your hashtags into a total of nine different types, which are the following:

Products or services

These are basic words that are used to describe a product or service.


In this case, it is about labels that are more specific, showing the place where you want to put the publication in context according to your industry.

Instagram community in the industry

Communities also exist on the social network and these hashtags help you find and join them.

Seasonal or special events

They can be referred to holidays or seasons, as well as times, or other special days that are worth highlighting.


Even if you bet on geotags to show where a photo took place, it's a good idea to also include a hashtag that refers to your location.


Each day has different hashtags of its own that you can use each day and that will help you when it comes to making more people reach daily with your publications.

Relevant phrases

These hashtags combine with many elements of product, niche and community tags. They are phrases that people use in the social network to communicate with different communities that exist in the social network internally.


The acronym hashtag is another option when creating your tags for your publications for the social network, one of the most popular being #TBT, which refers to Throwback Thursday.


In this type of hashtags, emojis can be included by themselves or they can come together with words or phrases.


A tenth option is the brand hashtags, which are an excellent alternative for all companies that have a presence on the social network.

How many hashtags to use on Instagram

It is possible to make use of up to 30 hashtags in a normal postup to 10 hashtags in a story. If you try to include more, your comment or caption will not be published.

With this in mind, you can use as many hashtags as you want until you reach that number. However, do not fall into the mistake of using all of them because you can do it, since, in fact, different studies highlight that it is most advisable to use some 10 hashtagsAlthough the most common amount among users is to use between 1 and 3. In any case, there is no specific number and what you will have to do is different tests to determine what works best for your specific business.

How to hide hashtags on Instagram

When you've spent time creating a good Instagram caption, you may not want to end your post with a large collection of hashtags. So that this is not a problem there are ways to make the hashtags less visible and offer a less visible result. For hide Instagram hashtags in a comment you will have to do the following:

  1.  First of all you will have to write a title as you usually do but without including any hashtag.
  2. Once the publication is published you will only have to click on it bubble icon dialog that appears below your post to leave a comment.
  3. Write below all the hashtags you want in the comment box and send your comment.
  4. In this way your hashtags will not be visible unless a user clicks on View all comments. However, on the desktop, your comment will appear in the first position, so this is a trick that works best if it is aimed at a mobile audience.

Tips and tricks to use hashtags on Instagram and have more reach

Taking into account all the above, it is time to give you a series of tips and tricks to be able to use the hashtags on your Instagram account and have a greater reach:

Use Statistics to see which tags work best

If you have made a change to an Instagram business profile, you will have access to the information that will show you the number of impressions you received from the hashtags.

To do this, you just have to select the publication on which you want to obtain this information and click on See stats below post. Then you will slide your finger up on the screen to see all the statistics about that specific publication.

Include hashtags in Instagram stories

Hashtag pages have an Instagram story icon in the upper left corner. Click on it and you will see a collection of story posts. To add them to your stories you have two options, these being the following:

  • Through the labels / stickers from Instagram.
  • Using the text tool and using the # symbol accompanied by the hashtags.

Avoid forbidden hashtags and SPAM

When inappropriate content is associated with a hashtag, you should know that Instagram could ban that particular hashtag. It doesn't mean that you can't use it, but if someone clicks on it, they will only see top posts, not recent ones, and no stories associated with it.

Don't use irrelevant or repetitive hashtags

Although many people are tempted to copy and paste other people's hashtags or use the same ones for each post, this is not recommended. For Instagram it is not okay to use repetitive content, so you could be penalized by the algorithm.

Also, when creating a post, only use hashtags that truly make sense and relate to what the user sees in the post. This is very important, since it is not only about having reach and getting many people together, but that those people who visit you do so with an interest in what you have prepared to show them and the content of your Instagram profile.

Likewise, if you use irrelevant or wrong hashtags, they may also feel like a hoax and this, far from favoring you, will affect the brand image of your account. Therefore, take your keyword selection into account.

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