Social media security is a task that you must always grapple with. It is precisely because of the speed at which we want to switch from one account to another instead of reading information such as privacy policies and use policies, which means that we are leaving security holes and even allowing social networks to perform certain actions if we know them, we will be scandalized.

Not only that, if you are not only a user of a social network, but also a content creator of a social network (whether it is yourself or a brand or client you work with), you should also know how to protect everyone well. Unfortunately, the content you post can be easily hacked.

The importance of security in social media

La importance of social media security It is more than necessary, which is why we are going to explain a series of tips that you must take into account so that you can keep your accounts as secure as possible.

In this sense, it is important that you take into account the following considerations:

Don't use the same password

This social media security tip can be applied to many situations today: bank passwords, luggage passwords, house security passwords ... it's easier to get a password than you think someone will get if they use the same one. password can be copied in many other situations where password is used. In this case, my suggestion is that you create your own password variant that only you can recognize. And the more complex the better.

It is very important that you do not always use the same password for all social networks and services, since in this way, in the event that they can find out one of them, they will be able to have access to all your accounts in the different services that you enjoy. In this way, although it may seem a bit tedious, it is advisable to use different passwords for each service. Similarly, to manage them you can use a password gesture.

Be careful when sharing private content

A very common mistake is to share any type of content with other people without worrying about it, that is, sharing data related to family, telephone number, address or other intimate information, in many cases not of Directly but yes through deduction through the photos that are published.

For this reason, it is very important that you take this into account when publishing all kinds of content. In this way you will avoid publishing any content that could lead other people to know personal data about you.

Pay attention to the contacts with whom you share the content

Another of the great dangers of social networks lies in the people who have access to the content. In this sense, you must take into account those who follow you and have access to what you publish, in addition to adapting to each social network, since each of them has its own characteristics. Some of them like Facebook or Twitter have a more playful nature, while others like LinkedIn look for a more work and formal content.

What you can do to ensure your safety on social media

There are different points to take into account when ensure your safety on social media, such as the following:

Use strong passwords

The first point to consider is the need to use strong passwords, avoiding the use of proper or fictitious names, dates of birth, ID, etc. In addition, they are unique passwords for each site and are created with different characters and interspersed between upper and lower case. It is advisable that no one else knows about it and that you change them frequently.

Don't accept requests from strangers

Although at times you may be tempted or tempted to accept anyone who sends you a friend request, this can jeopardize your safety on social media. For this reason it is recommended do not accept requests from strangers, so that the information you publish cannot reach any unknown person for malicious purposes.

Make sure they are secure networks

You must make sure that the social networks you use are safe, something that you can know on the web because they are webs https://. This is important to prevent the data that can be published on the platform from getting into the wrong hands of hackers.

Be careful when using a shared computer

If you use a shared computer it is important that you know that you cannot control who can access it. For this reason, it is recommended that you close the session and do not indicate the box to remember the passwords on the server. You should also limit the information you post and avoid images about any family member. Prevent another person from being able to enter your profile, as this will pose a great risk to you.

Use tools to manage your security

It is recommended that you resort to the use of tools that can help you manage security, being able to use apps like FBSecure that allow you to choose what function you want it to perform on Facebook, a measure that can help you increase the level of security on social networks.

Keep your antivirus updated

Many people dispense with the use of antivirus or do not keep it updated, which is a big mistake since it can jeopardize the security of your computer and your accounts on social networks. Just by installing it and having it updated, you can enjoy greater security.

Privacy settings

Always pay attention to the Privacy settings of each social network. It is very important that to preserve your security you choose to spend some time configuring each one of them, being able to configure all the settings related to privacy, so that you can set them according to your preferences and needs.

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