Facebook Gaming is the tool that can be used to broadcast games of different video games live through the social network, which seeks to compete in the market with other platforms such as Twitch, the platform that belongs to Amazon and that currently has the largest number of players and streamer than the rest of platforms. Facebook Gaming brings together gamers from all over the world and has even created its own esports championships. For all those who want to be part of the Facebook Gaming community and start streaming live, then we will explain how to stream video games live on Facebook Gaming.

How to broadcast on Facebook Gaming

If you would like to broadcast on Facebook Gaming You have to follow the following steps:
  1. First of all you must create a streamer page, for which you must access the game page creator from https://www.facebook.com/gaming/pages/create where you will have to place your username for the platform, in addition to choosing the category indicated by Facebook, which is the most suitable to be able to obtain a larger audience from its platform
  2. When you have created your own streamer page you can customize it by choosing a cover photo and a profile photo, add a description and update different details that can be customized.
  3. Then you must download a program to broadcast, for which you will need software that allows you to broadcast the games you play live. To do this, you can use one of the many free streaming programs, so you just have to choose your favorite. For this you can choose OBS, Streamlabs OBS, etc. These programs usually perform an analysis of the user's computer, in order to establish the quality of the retransmissions and possible cuts or problems due to deficient hardware. It is very important to configure these programs in the proper way so that the broadcasts work smoothly and without any type of setback.
  4. Then you must configure your broadcast. Users seek to see, in addition to a game, the live image of the streamer, in addition to listening to it and interacting with it, so you will have to configure the broadcast. You will also need to get some good peripherals, such as a microphone, headphones or a webcam.
  5. You must configure the streaming program to show the game, the webcam itself, and the sound from your microphone. Once configured, it is time for you to do tests to make sure that everything works well and that the games work in the correct way, without any stoppages, that is to say that they go smoothly.
  6. Subsequently, once all of the above is configured, it is time for you to press Live. To broadcast live, all you have to do is press the button "Live«. Doing so will send you to the page liveproducer, where you must configure the retransmission, inserting the Relay key of your streaming show.
  7. Once you have entered the key, you must add a title for the video, which includes the name of the game and is of interest to your potential audience. You can also add an image to the video, ask questions or create surveys.
  8. When everything is properly configured, just click on To emit, where a preview of the streaming will be shown, in which you can check how everything works correctly. In order to start broadcasting you must press the button again, which will redirect you to Creator Studio.
  9. Finally you can analyze broadcasts. To enllo, on the page Creator Studio On Facebook you can find a lot of information of interest to creators. Through it, you will be able to analyze the views, the behavior of the broadcast, the comments you received ..., being a good way to analyze the operation of the broadcasts and have knowledge to create new content.
Facebook Gaming seeks to face other streaming video game platforms such as Twitch or YouTube, especially the former, which is currently the leading platform for this type of content, being the most used by users who want to start streaming live and even by great content creators, who opt for this platform because of the great advantages it has for them. Facebook Gaming is a platform that, although it has been in operation for some time, is still not used by many people, who prefer to resort to other platforms, although it is an option that is also very interesting to start creating live video game content, which It can even become a new way of life and generate income that can be very interesting, even to the point of being able to dedicate a whole life to the creation of this type of content. Facebook Gaming is an excellent option to start creating content, especially in the world of video games.

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