For any standard user, the time of publication of any content on Twitter, be it a text tweet, an image or a video, may not be too important, especially if it is a person who is looking for nothing more than to share in your account with your friends certain publications, whether in video or photo format, without having a purpose that goes beyond that some of your followers can see it but without it being necessary for them to do so or interact.

However, the how to know when is the best time to post a video on Twitter, As well as the best time to be able to share an image or any publication in the well-known social network is very important in the case of brands or companies, since for them it is essential to get it right at the time of publication in order to reach a greater number of potential customers and users, which can help them grow within the platform in number of followers and interactions, thus also improving the company's brand image.

Likewise, it is also a data of great interest for influencers, who can find the ideal moment for their publications to reach the largest number of their followers. For these people who are trying to get a greater number of followers and a larger audience for their publications, this is a very interesting and useful function, so if you are one of those users who wants to get the most out of your video publications It is highly recommended that you continue reading this article so that you know how to access this simple and simple functionality but at the same time very interesting.

How to know when is the best time to post a video on Twitter

To meet the needs of all those users who, for one reason or another, want to know the best time to publish their video content, Twitter has decided to launch a new tool called "Timing is Everything" that is available within Media Studio, the platform's analytics application, a tool that will offer relevant data about the moments in which the Twitter audience is viewing and also interacting with the video content that is published on the platform.

This data is shown in the form of a graph and does not show the account's followers who interact with the publications, but rather what it does is show which days of the week and at what hours of the day the users of the social network consume most frequently. video content, which gives very reliable information about the best times to post on Twitter.

How to know when is the best time to post a video on Twitter It is very important for all those who want to publish their publications at key moments, since this will make them have a larger audience and the data recorded with the publication of that content will be higher than that obtained if it is carried out at other times of the day in which there is fewer connected users.

Although Twitter recommends publishing publications throughout the day in order to obtain a greater reach of them, it is important to pay special attention to these times of the day that are busiest, and, in the event that the application cannot be monitored To publish directly at that specific time, from Insights, the platform itself offers the possibility of directly scheduling tweets to be published at the best times to obtain a larger audience.

If you want to start making use of Timing is everything and thus know
how to know when is the best time to post a video on Twitter You must go to Media Studio and within Insights, in the Analytics menu you can view the graph and thus know the best time of the day and the week to publish a video and have a larger audience.

It should always be borne in mind that although the best time to publish a video is known based on the statistics, this does not ensure that the published video in question will be successful, since for this, of course, other aspects must be taken into account which are important, starting, of course, with the quality of the content, since even if a content is published at the best possible time, if the content is not good, this will make it likely that it will hardly be successful. Likewise, attention must be paid to the story that the video tells and also to the audience it is aimed at.

This function has hardly any difficulty since
how to know when is the best time to post a video on Twitter All you have to do is access the section indicated above, and you will be able to see that relevant data, something very necessary mainly for brands and professionals, who have to take into account all these statistics and relevant data in order to try to obtain the maximum performance in all their publications .

In this way, Twitter improves its statistics service to offer all its users a new way of being able to get the most out of the content in video format that they have published within the social platform.

It is essential to know all these statistical functions and services, which have, without a doubt, a much higher importance than what may initially be thought, since it is important to assess all these data and their use can make the difference between a publication successful and one that barely has interaction and / or views from the followers and users of the social network.

Be aware of the content published on our blog, as every day we bring you different tutorials and instructions so that you can make the most of all social networks and instant messaging platforms or similar, both for personal and professional purposes.

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