WhatsApp is the most widely used instant messaging application worldwide, with millions of users who use it every day to communicate with friends, acquaintances, family, clients, suppliers ..., its possibilities are unlimited, with the option of speaking through text, voice messages, video calls or conventional calls, but also offering other interesting additional features.

In the application it is possible to send the location to other users, but at the moment it is not possible to do so using a location map, a function in which the company has been working for months, but has not yet seen the light of official form.

In this way, for the moment one could resort to Google Maps to know where a contact is, although it is true that there is a way for you to know where a WhatsApp user is without it having confessed its location.

How to know where a WhatsApp user is

For this, it is enough to combine your last WhatsApp conversation with that person and a Windows command that offers great precision. Next we are going to explain the steps you must follow, but you must bear in mind that you should only resort to it in case of emergency, since otherwise you could be committing a crime, since you are violating the privacy of the other person, for which you could even be sued for being considered a serious misconduct.

Therefore, keep this in mind before starting to follow the steps that we are going to give you below, especially if that person has not given you their express consent to do so. However, if in an emergency you need to know where you are, the process you should follow is as follows:

  1. First of all, you must go to your computer, since the tracking will be carried out outside the WhatsApp app and it is necessary to resort to a command that must be entered on a PC.
  2. Now, log in to WhatsApp Web, ensuring that you only have that tab of your computer open, without other programs or applications running on your PC in the background, as these could cause mistakes in their location.
  3. Then you must find the most recent conversation with the person you want to reach, preferably that it has taken place a short time ago, since otherwise it could be in another place very far away, if hours or days have passed.
  4. Once opened, you must go to Windows and open the advantage to run tasks in the Microsoft operating system. For this you have two ways to do it, one of them by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete and clicking on Manage Tasks, then in the tab Archive and select Run new task; or by accessing directly by pressing the key combination Windows + R.
  5. This will open a command screen and a text bar where you will have to enter the text «cmd»Without the quotes and hit enter.
  6. Doing so will open a black screen where you will have to place the following code: «netstat -an » and press enter again. By doing so you will see how the system will give you an IP address.
  7. This IP address must be pasted into a IP address tracker, where the result will be a location close to that person.

Another alternative to know where is a WhatsApp contact located It is by resorting to the creation of a PHP file, although it is a more complex process. However, the IP address can be known through the conversation on WhatsApp.

In any case, you should know that with this trick, that you should not resort to it lightly, does not allow knowing the exact location. However, it will help you to know approximately where the user has connected, knowing the date and time of the connection. In any case, if this user uses a Virtual Private Network (VPN), this information will be hidden and this data will not be known as accurately.

At the moment, having access to this information can be considered a WhatsApp error, although it is true that from the social application they do not plan to do anything about it, so you should know that other people can know in this way, always roughly where you are.

In any case, although it is a small trick that can be very useful, the reality is that many people are unaware of the existence of this type of IP search service and may even be unaware of what it is, so in the vast majority of the cases you will be free that other people can violate your privacy and know the place from which you are speaking to them.

Leaving aside its negative side related to the lack of privacy, it must be borne in mind that it can be really useful for emergencies, in which it is necessary to know where a person was before they stop giving signs of life, as it can make a difference when it comes to finding his whereabouts and even being able to rescue him.

This trick should really be used for these purposes and not to try to satiate the curiosity of knowing where a person is at a certain moment.

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