The social network of Facebook is a platform where you can make friends around the world, as well as being the most used application to be able to be in contact with acquaintances and to be able to share parts of your family on your profile.

Through this social platform you can get friends, keep in touch with your best friends, get a partner, etc., since these contacts you have on the platform can see everything you share, from those selfies you want to post to most important moments you want to post.

However, one of the great drawbacks of socializing in Facebook is that a rejection can occur, as it happens in real life. Whether it is online or not, there is no way that everyone wants to be your "virtual friend", so when you send your friend request you may not receive a reply. This may raise questions about whether the reason is that that person has rejected your request or they just haven't seen you.

Although Facebook has different options to navigate within the social application, you must meet new friends, post videos, photos, thoughts and even sell your products or services. That said, it is important that you know that there are a series of tricks to be able to know who has rejected your friend request.

In this way, when sending the friend request on facebook, in fact it may be the case that you never receive a response that happened with that request, since it only appears as sent. Therefore, if you do not receive notifications, until the user decides to accept the friend request and, by then, you can receive the notification.

How to know if a person rejected your Facebook friend request

If you want to know if someone rejected your Facebook friend request, you must follow a series of steps, which are the following:

  1. First of all you must open facebook app on your mobile device and go to notifications button. To do this you must go to the bell that appears under the magnifying glass of the search engine and, from there click on friend requests.
  2. Below you will see how the list of recent friend requests that have been sent to you and that are pending opens. Again you must click on friend requests to see all and a list with all pending friend requests will be displayed. Now you will have to click on the three vertical points that you will find in the upper right part, where you must choose the option View submitted requests.
  3. Now you can see the list of people who have not yet accepted your friend request, that is, they are pending. If the person you sent a request to has not accepted you and is not on this list either, it means that declined your friend request.

In any case, if you access his user profile, you will be able to see if it still appears that you have sent him the request or not. If when accessing his profile he allows you to send a request again, it means that he rejected your first request. In this more direct way you can get the information in a more direct way.

The hidden features of Facebook

Facebook has millions of users worldwide, being one of the social networks that has a greater reach and interaction on the part of users. However, what many people are unaware of is that there are some hidden functions in the profile that help you improve your experience within the platform. This is the case of the following:

Turn off automatic video playback

If you wish, you can deactivate the videos to be played automatically when checking the Facebook profile, a little trick that will allow you save mobile data.

In order to eliminate this automatic playback option, you need to go to the configuration menu of your Facebook profile, clicking on the video option that you will find on the left side, from where you disable video playback. In this simple way you can end this function that is activated by default and that can become very annoying, both for data and for the reproduction itself.

Prevent them from locating your profile

Thanks to this option you can increase the privacy of your account, thus avoiding that you can be located by other people and that they can see your publications.

In this case you have to go to the configuration menu, through which you can get to Privacy , which is located in the left side menu. To modify the profile you have to go to the section How they can find you and get in touch with you.

From there you can edit the configuration in its different parameters to your liking, in a very simple and fast way.

Get a more secure profile

Currently, there are many dangers on the internet, so it is necessary to protect yourself from them, so that you can configure your Facebook account so that you can have the greatest control over your content and the people who can access it. In addition, it is advisable that you activate the two step authentication, so that any hacker has more problems accessing your account.

To prevent a possible identity theft or a hack, you must go to the Facebook menu, then go to settings and go to the section Security and login and from there configure the different adjustable parameters.

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