Badoo is a social network that was created in 2006 with the aim of connecting those people who want to meet other people, serving to allow contact between millions of users. However, there is a doubt and it is that there are many people who want to meet How to know if a Badoo contact has blocked you on the platform, which we are going to talk about below, explaining each of the details that you should know about it.

When you log in to Badoo It may be the case that the profile image of some contacts is not shown, and to find out if they have blocked youAll you have to do is enter your profile. In the event that they have blocked you, you should know that you will not be able to access it or send messages to that person.

This is likely because the user does not want you to contact him again, and instead of telling you, he preferred to block you. However, you should be aware that this is not the only way to know if a contact has blocked you on Badoo permanently, which we will explain throughout this article.

How to know if a contact has blocked you

If you are interested in knowing How to know if a contact has blocked you on Badoo You should know that, if when checking the last connection time of a contact once a couple of weeks have passed, and before you were chatting daily, it is most likely that it is has blocked you. Also, you will confirm this if you can't see their profile forum and see that interest has decreased to 0. If this is not solved by restarting the application, this will mean that you have been blocked.

However, you should keep in mind that there is the possibility that the other person deleted your account.  In this sense, you should know that there will be a difference between deleting the account from the platform and being blocked.

What to do if one of your contacts is blocked on Badoo

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do if someone decides to block you on Badoo. However, you should not worry about it, since you will have many options to continue using the platform and contact many other people. Badoo has millions of users, so you will have many opportunities to flirt or chat with other people.

For this reason, if you find that someone has inexplicably blocked you, you may find yourself looking for new contacts, whether you want to use it to find friends or if you are looking for more intimate dates. Regardless of this, you should bear in mind that you can take the opportunity to find new people to talk to and who can match you in tastes and interests, giving rise to new relationships and friendships with which you can spend all kinds of moments.

You should bear in mind that on Badoo it is very likely that you will not be interesting only to one person, but there will be different users who are interested in chatting with you. Therefore, it will be recommended that you focus on those people who are interested in you and you can start having conversations that can be very interesting. The first "match" will help you to know that the other person is interested in you, and from there you will be able to know if they like you as you talk to that person.

How to have a better profile on Badoo

Once we have told you about how to know if a contact has blocked you on Badoo, We are going to give you a series of tips that will be useful in order to have a better profile and thus expand your possibilities of achieving the "like" of other users, something for which having a attractive profile. If you are interested, we are going to give you a series of recommendations that it is important that you take into account:

Select the appropriate photos

One of the keys to being able to enjoy an attractive profile on Badoo is to make a good choice of photos. It is recommended that you avoid generic photos or that do not make much sense, but take advantage of this space on your profile to show exciting and stimulating moments in your life, images that make whoever sees them think that they want to do the same, that is, that you manage to generate interest and arouse curiosity in the person who sees your profile.

This is essential, but not only in the photographs but also in the descriptions, since they must be able to convey the desired message in order to arouse this interest that makes the other person curious to have a conversation with you.

The photos that you upload to social networks show a lot about you and if it is a platform like Badoo, there they have a great importance because the first impression is of great importance. For this reason it is essential that you choose a proper first photo, this being your cover letter and key for people to be encouraged to view your profile. In this sense, it is recommended that you go out alone in the photo and doing something interesting, whether doing sports, reading a book, or doing any activity that may arouse interest.

As for the rest of the photographs, you should try to vary in your photographs, with different contexts in order to attract more attention. For this you will have to choose different environments of moments in your life that are fun and that may be worth sharing. Also, avoid just smiling, as it sometimes looks fake. The most advisable thing is to let the photography be natural, that it can be perceived that it amuses you.

One last piece of advice regarding photographs is that avoid photographs in front of a mirror.

The importance of description

A common fault among users of Badoo and other dating apps is not paying enough attention to the description. This should be exciting and arouse the interest of the user who comes to your profile.

You should avoid using it as a Curriculum Vitae, since you are not looking for anyone to hire you, but rather that they may be interested in meeting you and / or going out with you. For this reason, you can take the opportunity to share achievements, goals and qualities, writing it with the intention of connecting with other people, that is, seeking to provoke emotions in other people.

In this way, pay attention to this field of your profile and write an appropriate description, which can become key to connect with other people.

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