On many occasions you can suspect if a person has blocked you from Instagram but to know for sure it can be more complicated. If suddenly the publications of a person stop appearing, you should know that they may have blocked you. when someone blocked you Instagram does not notify the blocked person, that you will only stop seeing your posts and that you will not be able to communicate through Instagram Direct either.

However, there are some flaws on Instagram regarding this system and several clues that can help you know if it has blocked you. As a general rule, the blocked person cannot find the other in the search engine, although due to the errors of the platform there may be occasions when it can even find you.

How to know if you've been blocked on Instagram

Although the social network does not issue any kind of warning or notification when a person blocks you, there are ways to know if they have blocked you, although there are several clues that can help you know if this has happened.

First of all you should know that if the block has been recent, or you had a conversation with that person, you may even be able to continue accessing their profile, especially if it is the device from which you usually check Instagram or you had direct messages. This is a fault that occurs occasionally, but it is not usual.

One of the great clues to know if you have been blocked is that when you look for the user's name in the search engine that user no longer appears and what if you access his profile I indicate that it is not available. This is the most common case, although the procedure is not instantaneous at times.

What you have to do is enter their profile without being identified on the Instagram website, which you can do by logging out or in the private mode of the browser.

If you put Instagram.com/profilenameHe and you can see the photos of a user without being identified but when you are using your account no, or even find the user but with your account not this will indicate is the person has blocked you.

You should know that this can only be done from the web or from the browser of your mobile phone, which is where you can point directly to the profile. If you do not remember their profile name, it will be more difficult to find out with this method. L

The only viable solution is for you to use a different account registered to Instagram to look up his name and try to locate him.

Instagram also allows you to block someone from seeing your stories. In this case, there is no way to be sure if they have put this block on you. If a user who often uploads stories suddenly stops doing so, they may have blocked you from seeing them or simply stopped for some other reason.

How to know if someone has you as best friends on Instagram

The first thing you need to know is what exactly is best friends about. Is a list of users with whom you want to share separate stories. By default, Instagram shares the stories you upload with all users or with just a few that you can choose individually. The best friends list is for if you just want to share a few stories with some people

Its function is thatThere are some Instagram stories that are best shared only with a few people you trust. Well, this new function allows you to set up a list with the people you trust the most, so that later it is easier to share the content with these people. Keep in mind that this content they only work with stories, and not with the conventional publications that you publish in your feed and that are available to all users

For privacy reasons Instagram won't let you know if you're on someone's best friends list or not, well rather if you are not, because if you are one of the lucky ones, when they publish stories for best friends you will see a green label and a green circle appear in the stories instead of the usual multicolored.

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