The operating system of mobile devices Android offers multiple possibilities to users when it comes to customizing terminal notifications, being able to turn notifications on or off individually for each application installed on the device, a feature that is also available on iOS. However, this time we are going to focus on dealing with this issue in the case of Google's operating system.

Many of those applications that we can find available for the Android operating system allow both to activate and deactivate notifications as well as customize them within its own configuration panel or Settings, so that if you want to deactivate them you can even choose how long you want that measure to be applied for. This function is really useful in the case of social networks or instant messaging platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp or Instagram, where if you have an account with a lot of interaction from other users it can become a nuisance to receive notifications.

Instagram sends you notifications for various reasons, from people who have accepted your friend request to who sent it to you, people who have liked or left a comment on your posts, when someone starts a broadcast on direct, etc. All these actions can appear in the form of a notification and annoy you. So you have to take into account everything that we are going to indicate below if you are interested in knowing how to mute Instagram notifications on Android.

It is necessary to remember that on Instagram you receive push notifications, typical of the app, which communicate various information such as the one we have already mentioned.

How to disable Instagram notifications

If you are determined to forget about Instagram notifications forever (or for a while), the process to follow to get rid of them on your Android terminal is very simple, since you will only have to follow the following steps:

  1. First you must open the Instagram application on your mobile device. Once you do you must go to your profile, for which you must click on the icon of the person or with your profile image that appears in the lower right part of the screen.
  2. Next, you must click on the icon of the three horizontal stripes that appears in the upper right part of your profile, which will open a pop-up window, in which you will have to click on Configuration.
  3. Once you are in the Settings you will have to look for the option Notifications, where you can choose the option Pause all among other options, being able to choose your individual settings if you wish for stories, publications or comments.

Please note that if you select Pause all You can determine how long you want these notifications to be disabled.

However, you must bear in mind that if you use this option you will deactivate all notifications, so if a person sends you a direct message through the messaging service integrated in the Instagram app, a person comments a photo or comments on a story, you will not receive any notice, so it is very possible that you will not find out of it. In fact, you will only find out once you enter the application and the information appears reflected.

Although receiving all notifications can be really annoying, having some of them activated such as user interactions to our publications or stories or direct messages can be interesting to keep them active. This will depend on the preferences and needs of each person.

How to find friends and contacts on Instagram

We take this opportunity to remind you of the way in which you can find your friends and contacts on Instagram, since it is a very simple process but at some point or case you may not know how to do it.

Find Facebook friends on Instagram

One of the options that you have at your disposal to be able to find your friends and acquaintances is to help you on Facebook, since in this way you can also locate them on Instagram. To do this, you will only have to follow the following steps:

  1. First you must open your application Instagram and go to your user profile, for which you must click on the profile photograph that you will find in the lower right part of the screen.
  2. When you are in your profile, you must click on the button with the three horizontal lines located in the upper right part, which will bring up a new menu on the screen.
  3. In this menu you will find different options, one of them being Discover people.
  4. Click on it and choose Connect to Facebook to connect to the social network.
  5. Now you must click on Connect o Connect and automatically, Instagram will synchronize with Facebook, and the contacts you have on Facebook and who have Instagram will appear.
  6. At that moment the list of all the contacts will appear and you will only have to follow to those that interest you the most.

Find friends by their phone number

Another option you can use to find your friends on Instagram is to search through your contacts stored on your smartphone, that is, through their phone number. In this case the procedure is just as simple.

You just have to access Instagram and go to the pop-up menu in your user profile, as we have explained in the previous case, and you will also have to choose the option in it Discover people. After doing so you will have to click on Connect Contacts o Connect Contacts. At that time, the social network will offer you a list with the contacts on your mobile that have Instagram. In this way you can make the decision to follow them or, conversely, not to do so.

The moment you want to stop this synchronization you will have to go back to the indicated pop-up menu and search, in this case, for the option Configuration, and then go to Account and Synchronization of contacts, where you will have to uncheck this option.

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