Surely you already know how to use Facebok Messenger on your computer Through the browser, which for a long time has been the way in which Facebook users who so wish could communicate with their friends, acquaintances or strangers, as well as with companies or service providers.

However, although this option continues to be available, Facebook has decided to launch this Thursday a desktop application of its instant messaging service, available for macOS and Windows, and that represents a great advance for users, especially because it offers the possibility of making group chat and video calls, something that is widely used today due to the coronavirus health crisis that is being experienced in the world and that leads millions of people to be confined to their homes.

In fact, the platform has taken advantage of the pandemic to release this application that it had been working on for a while and which has been published unexpectedly. In this way, people who want it can turn to it as a new alternative to enjoy calls.

From Facebook they assure that last month they experienced an increase of more than 100% in the number of people who used the desktop browser to make audio and video calls through Messenger, so they have decided to launch the application for Windows and macOS throughout the world.

However, you have to have the Messenger desktop applications is not something entirely new. In 2014 it was launched in the Microsoft Store while in macOS it was never launched. What is new is the global launch and the importance that the app wants to give to video calls.

How to use group video calls on Facebook Messenger

If you want to know how to use group video calls on Facebook Messenger or the application itself, below we are going to explain the whole process that you must follow to have the program on your computer. In our case we will do the example on a Windows computer, although it is similar in the case that you have an Apple macOS.

First you must go to the application store, either Microsoft Store or Mac App Store. and search the application Messenger. In the event that you are entering from Windows, once found you must click on Get and wait for it to download and install

Once downloaded and installed you can start the application finding you with a window in which you will be welcomed to Messenger and will allow you to login with Facebook O well log in with your phone or email. You just have to click on the desired option and log in.

At that moment you will find that your conversations will immediately be synchronized and they will appear as follows:

As you can see, it is a minimalist and very clear interface, with a design similar to the new one adopted by the social network for its desktop version, from which you can search for contacts or respond to whoever you want is in a very simple way. just like you do from the smartphone application or from the browser.

If you want to start a video call, you just have to click on the camera icon that appears in the upper right after selecting a contact. Once you have done it, you will have to give permissions to your camera and the video call will start.

In the event that you want to add new contacts, you will only have to Click on the corresponding icon that is located in the lower central part of the screen and you will be able to include new people so that they are also part of the call.

In this simple way you can have conversations with groups of friends, clients, etc. in a much more comfortable way and without worrying about a large battery consumption or that the mobile phone may turn off in the middle of a conversation. In the same way, it will be more convenient for you to use the application to be able to enjoy its functions directly than not having to enter the main Facebook page and then go to their instant messaging service and make the call.

This new application has more advantages than it may seem at first, starting because it serves so that at times like the present or when a group of friends is desired, you can get to meet at a distance and maintain the "face to face", which always it is a much warmer and closer contact than in the case of using text messages, voice messages or a conventional call.

However, it does not only have advantages within the personal sphere, since it is an excellent alternative to other services, some of them paid, to hold conversations with partners or clients, so that you can have a closer relationship at a distance and explain in better way those things that you need for the development of some type of work. Therefore, it is an application that is also useful for the professional and business field.

In any case, the application is finally available both for those who have a computer with macOS and Windows, so if you are a person who frequently uses the Facebook Messenger service, we recommend that you download it on your computer, Since in this way you will have greater comfort when answering, especially if throughout the day you spend hours in front of the computer.

This way you won't have to pick up the phone at all and you can have conversations directly from your PC.

With the coronavirus COVID-10 pandemic, applications that offer the possibility of making video calls are booming, especially those that belong to Facebook, such as WhatsApp, Instagram and, of course, Facebook Messenger, which adds to the previous. In this sense, it remains to be seen if the first two end up integrating this possibility into their desktop applications, which are available for download but lack this functionality.


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