We are living a golden season of streaming services. You no longer need to download a series or movie, you can watch them by streaming, on any screen and through applications and services such as Netflix, HBO, Movistar +, Filmin or Prime Video. And in the latter case, you can take advantage of the ecosystem of services that Amazon manages. There are 2 ways to enjoy your streaming catalog. On your own or accompanied. In the second case, technology makes it possible for you not to be in exactly the same place as other people. Through the internet, you can watch series and movies with your friends, even if they are miles away. Previously we have talked about multiple platforms that allow you to watch Netflix or YouTube content from your home and share it with friends who are at home. And now Amazon is unmarked by offering this possibility using 2 of its services. On one side, Prime Video to be able to watch series and movies, and on the other, Twitch, a platform to share video by streaming. It is popular for game streaming, but now you will also be able to share Prime Video content.

How to watch Prime Video in a group

The function is named watch parties, Group Videos in Spanish. It is what many of us have done at some time: meet your friends to see a movie or to do a marathon of a series. This way it is not necessary to be under exactly the same roof. That ceiling is going to be Twitch, the game streaming platform. There are only two requirements to enjoy Watch Parties. The first is that those who broadcast on Twitch and those who wish to see the content have a Prime Video subscription. The second requirement is that each and every one of those who wish to watch the broadcast have a browser Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. At the moment, these two browsers are the only ones compatible with viewing Prime Video through Twitch. The host or person in charge of starting the transmission will have to open Twitch and also go to Stream Manager (transmission manager) in Creator Dashboard (author's control panel). At Quick Action Panel (shortcut panel), click on the + button or directly on this link. We add the action Watch parties (Group Videos) and, finally, we click on it to start the session. The first time you start the Watch Parties or Group Videos feature on Twitch you will need to log in with your Prime Video credentials. From here, you just have to choose what content you will see with your friends or Twitch followers. It can be the chapter of a series, a movie, a documentary ... Any content of Prime Video is compatible except for the one that you do not have in the catalog of your country. Optionally, you can appear on the screen showing what your webcam focuses on. You will also be able to chat through the microphone, something common in Twitch game broadcasts. The last step consists of invite your friends or viewers. They will need to authorize the device to view Prime Video content and also log in with their credentials to link their Prime Video and Twitch accounts.

How to increase followers on Twitch

twich has different collaboration options between channels to achieve that together they can all grow, among which it is worth highlighting the hosts and raids. The objective of both is similar, since what is involved is move the audience from one channel to another when the broadcast ends. In this way, by doing so you will be able to create a bond with other streamers of a similar size, which can make them do the same with you and discover you before their followers. Something as simple as this will allow you to grow on the streaming platform and increase your number of followers and also subscribers, as long as you manage to capture enough interest in the audience, something that will always depend on your charisma and the content you can offer on your broadcast. It is not easy to grow on the platform, but it is possible that with effort and time you will achieve it. Once you are achieving it, you will have to try to ensure that the audience remains and that they can become subscribers. To incite followers to become subscribers you can resort to different different ways. The basic one is that your content is of interest to them, as well as that they feel that there is a good interaction with them. To do this, you must read the chat while broadcasting and answer their questions or doubts, encourage them to give their opinion, and so on. Interaction with the audience is key to being able to achieve success on the platform. In addition, an increasingly common practice to attract new subscribers is to resort to conducting exclusive giveaways for subscribers, in addition to being able to offer them other advantages, such as playing video games with subscribers or similar. Thus, it is possible to enjoy all the advantages that Amazon Prime provides on Twitch, the most popular streaming platform among users today and the great reference for the gaming world. However, it is not only used by content creators to make live videos with their gameplays, but it has given much more, including the fact of being able to have conversations with other people, as well as the fact of making live movie or series broadcasts. However, as we have already mentioned, you should bear in mind that for users to see it they will have to have Amazon Prime. Otherwise, they will not be able to see the content, although they will be able to see the reactions of their favorite streamer from the sidebar in which both the broadcast chat and a window with the streamer appear, so that you can see how they react to live broadcasts on the platform.

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