WhatsApp is the main instant messaging application worldwide, with more than two billion users worldwide, an application that was acquired by Facebook in 2014. Since then it has remained independent of the well-known network social, but despite this it has been receiving improvements that have previously been seen on Facebook or Instagram (also owned by the company created by Mark Zuckerberg). Likewise, different functions have been implemented that facilitate the link between both social networks.

In this way, Facebook tries to achieve a better integration between the different services that are part of the company. WhatsApp tries to work to implement Facebook Messenger Rooms in its services and thus be able to make video calls in which up to 50 participants participate, in addition to the fact that in recent days there have been news in this regard and it is now possible to link WhatsApp Business thanks to the pages of Facebook company.

In addition to carrying out these improvements that have transpired, the company itself works to further integrate both platforms, making it possible to share Facebook videos via WhatsApp, without the need to resort to the previous process of copying and pasting URLs. For this reason, now it will no longer be necessary to resort to it to be able to share a video that is hosted on Facebook with your friends or WhatsApp acquaintances, you will only have to follow the process that we are going to indicate below.

How to share Facebook videos on WhatsApp via Android

The first thing you should do is access the Facebook application from your Andrid mobile phone, searching the social network for the video that you are interested in sharing with your friends or acquaintances. When you have located it you will be able to find the button Share.

By clicking on this button you will find a pop-up drop-down window, where you must look for the option More and press the button Exchange link. After clicking on it, the system enables several icons to share the link.

Among the different options that will appear on the screen, you will find the icon of WhatsApp. The system will take you to WhatsApp, where you will have to choose the user or group in which you want to share the link to the video directly.

You must bear in mind that WhatsApp only allows the same message to be shared simultaneously with up to five contacts at the same time. When selecting the desired chats to send, all you have to do is press the button Submit, which is in the shape of a green arrow pointing to the right side. Once you have finished the process, the link will have been shared to the users you have indicated in a completely automatic way.

How to share Facebook videos on WhatsApp via iOS

In this sense, the first thing you should access is to go to the Facebook application through your mobile phone. Once you are on the social platform, you should look for the video that you are interested in sharing with all your friends on the social network.

To do this, once you have located it, it is enough for you to look for the button Share that you will find at the bottom. Once you press on this button you will find More opcoines, which will be where you have to press to select next Copy.

Once you have copied the link, you must open WhatsApp and select a chat in which you want to share the Facebook video. Once the link is copied, you must open WhatsApp and select a chat in which you want to share the Facebook video. Then, having the chat selected, you just have to copy the link in the message bar and press the button Submit.

In this simple way you can share Facebook videos on WhatsApp, being a very interesting option that Facebook has decided to implement and that, without a doubt, is really useful when it comes to sharing audiovisual content from the social network on WhatsApp.

Thus, the company continues to work to ensure that all its platforms are properly integrated with each other, making it much easier to share content between different social networks.

In social networks it is essential to be able to share content between one and the other, since there may be some type of content that you want to share through different media, since you may have different followers, something common in the event that you are in charge to manage an account of a brand or company.

In any case, we see how Facebook does not stop launching new news and additional functions to try to improve the user experience of its platforms. At the beginning of the year, it announced a greater integration of the different services and platforms it offers, which we see as it is increasingly taking place through different functions that allow greater interaction between the different platforms managed by the large American company.

In this sense, know how to share facebook video links on whatsapp has a lot of advantages for all those who like to share the videos they find on the first social network with groups of friends or individual chats. In this simple way you can react with your friends to the different publications that are of great interest to you.

It is an additional function that is added to those already existing within the social network, which seeks different ways to make the contents of its social networks can be shared on other platforms, thus promoting user interaction, something key so that any social network can be successful today.

Before it was already possible to share the links of the videos, although the whole process had to be done manually, which was a nuisance for users. Now it is faster and easier.

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