Social networks are currently the main means of communication between people, being very useful to be able to be aware of both news and other types of general and thematic content, and also to maintain closer communication with friends and acquaintances. These types of platforms have become essential for a large number of people, who would no longer know what to do without these social networks that, in addition to allowing different content to be shared and being aware of what is published by other users, are a great tool for communication with both friends and acquaintances and even with strangers.

Depending on the preferences of each user, there are those who use a social network and others who make use of several of them, which in many cases makes users want and / or need to share content they have seen on one of them in the rest of platforms, whether it is content created by themselves or by other users, so it is important to have tools that allow these actions to be carried out.

A frequent question today is that of how to turn a tweet into an image to share on Facebook or Instagram, which can be done using a free application that will allow you to convert tweets into images in just a few seconds to later be able to go to other social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and the like and publish it.

Next we are going to explain how you can convert a tweet into an image using a free tool.

How to turn a tweet into an image to share it on Facebook or Instagram

If you want to know how to turn a tweet into an image to share it on Facebook or Instagramwe advise you to download Twinmage, a tool that is both available for download on Android and iOS and to be used through the web browser.

Once you access the application for the first time, you will be asked to give it permission to access the data of the Twitter account that we have, which will allow us to show on the screen all the previous publications that have been made from that account .

Once all those publications are shown on the screen, the use of the application is very simple, since all you have to do is click on Create, that is located after each one of the tweets that have been published recently in our personal Twitter account or in the professional account to which you have been given access.

Once you have chosen the Tweet that you want to save in image format to later share it on other social networks, the image customization process will begin, where you can choose the background that you want to use for that photo among the different options that the own application and after following this customization process we will be given the possibility to save the image in .PNG format.

In the customization process we have more than 90 funds that are available so that each user can choose the one that best suits their tastes and preferences. When you click on each of them, a preview of it will be displayed on the screen, so you can see if it seems attractive to us before saving the image.

Once we have saved the image with the chosen tweet, we can use it to upload it to Facebook, Instagram or any other social network or platform.

In the case of Twinmage You must bear in mind that the saved image has a service watermark. Keep in mind that this process can only be done with those tweets that contain only text, since those in which there is video, GIF or some image will not appear in the list of recent tweets that will be shown to us as soon as we enter the aforementioned application .

This way you already know how to turn a tweet into an image to share it on Facebook or Instagram, something that you have surely seen in many accounts frequently, since it is a way to refer to Twitter messages without having to create a new publication and, at the same time, helping to achieve greater visibility of those Twitter accounts.

Beyond the content of the tweet in question shared in the form of an image on another social network, publishing images with tweets in them serves to give greater visibility to those Twitter profiles, thus making that account promoted and more likely to other users decide to go to the social network to become their followers, as long as the content is interesting to them. This is a good form of promotion to start gaining followers.

It is important to keep in mind all these functions and tools that help when creating content on social networks, especially for those thematic or professional accounts in which it is essential to carry out a communication strategy with content from quality to make the popularity of your brand, company or business increase and become more and more known to your target audience.

From Crea Publicidad Online we bring you tricks, tools, tutorials and guides so that you know how each option and functionality of the different current social networks works, which will allow you to have a great knowledge about them in order to obtain the best performance from each one. of them, something that is important, both for those individual users who want to grow their personal account and for all those who are responsible for the management of a professional account or a brand, where it is even more important to take into account all the details possible to try to differentiate itself from the competition and have a greater notoriety within the different social platforms, so important today in terms of promotion and advertising.


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