Given the great popularity of the social platform Instagram, new applications have been born focused on improving the benefits and characteristics of the social network owned by Facebook and thus providing it with greater functionality. This makes it very likely that you have an application linked to your Instagram account, but there may come a time when you want to delete it and allow it to be used together with the app.

It is very common for applications to be linked with some others that are already installed on the mobile device in order to improve their characteristics, making it even possible to use Instagram on numerous occasions to perform a much faster and easier registration on certain platforms.

However, it may be the case that you want to revoke that access, so below we will explain how to remove authorized apps from Instagram, thus making those apps no longer have access to your Instagram account, which will also help you when it comes to protecting your privacy.

How to remove authorized apps from Instagram

If you want to know how to remove authorized apps from Instagram first you must be clear about what these types of applications are. An authorized app is all those applications that you allow to enter your profile on the social network so that some of its characteristics are modified or to be able to access them in a faster and easier way. An example of this is, for example, Tinder, which allows you to connect your Instagram account so that they appear on your dating app profile.

However, it may be the case that after authorizing an application you change your mind and want to revoke access and that, therefore, it is no longer linked. This can be easily achieved removing the application from your mobile device, but also another alternative that is also simple and highly effective.

To do this, what you must do first is go to the versión web of Instagram and go to the section of setting, which you can easily find by being represented with the button of a gear, within the profile, and right next to the button «Edit profile».

By clicking on the gear button, a pop-up window will open in which you can find various options, from changing the password to managing the privacy and security parameters, notifications, identification card…. and the authorized applications, as you can see in the following image:

How to remove authorized apps from Instagram

Just by clicking on Authorized Applications you will access a new window within the Configuration of your Instagram account, in which all those applications that you have linked will be displayed, as you can see in the following image:

How to remove authorized apps from Instagram

When you see the different applications that have access, you can remove their permissions by just clicking on the button "Revoke access»Highlighted in blue, which will make them immediately unlinked from your account.

However, now that you know how to remove authorized apps from Instagram You must bear in mind that if you stop allowing access to a particular application, the content that you have shared through that connection may disappear, so you must assess, before carrying out this action, the consequences that it will have for you to carry out the disconnection between both applications.

Linking Instagram with other applications has its advantages, since this makes it much easier in many cases to access other services without having to go through a longer registration, being able to access certain applications in a much faster way, but also by In other cases, the capabilities of the application are improved by providing it with additional functionalities to those it includes natively or being able to get some type of reward, as is the case with some games for mobile devices.

However, although in many cases it is a good idea to link Instagram with other applications, it is always important to take into account several aspects, starting with making sure that the application with which a social network account is being linked is secure and will not to use our data for malicious purposes, a point to take into account with any application that is going to be installed on any computer or mobile device.

In addition, you must bear in mind that if an application is the victim of an attack or an error in its operation, it can directly affect the operation of the other applications that you have linked. Although this is an aspect that is beyond your control, it is advisable to use passwords that are as strong as possible in all cases and not always use the same passwords in all services, which will minimize the chances of suffering improper and not allowed access to them.

This way you know how to remove authorized apps from Instagram, Therefore, we recommend that, although you are sure that you have not given permission to any malicious app to link to your Instagram account, periodically access this function from your computer and check the different linked applications so that, in In the event that you detect one that is suspicious, that you do not know or that you simply do not want to continue using (or have stopped doing so), revoke the access so that no type of link between the two continues to exist.

From Crea Publicidad Online we continue to bring you different tricks, tutorials and guides every day that allow you to know all the tricks and new functionalities that incorporate the main social networks of the moment, but also other applications and platforms widely used by users around the whole world, trying to provide you at all times with information that allows you to get the most out of your social accounts, something that is of great importance if you want to make it grow, especially if it is a business account that seeks to attract a greater number of potential customers.

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