Instagram is the social network of reference today, since millions of people around the world make use of it to share with all their acquaintances, friends or followers (or potential clients / clients in the case of business or brands), all kinds of content through conventional publications or through the popular Instagram stories.

From the first moment, Instagram Stories had a great impact among the users of the platform, who were quickly attracted by its functionality and quickly turned it into the most used functionality of the social network. In fact, the vast majority of users prefer to opt for the publication of this type of temporary content that expires 24 hours after its publication than for permanent content that is stored in the user's account on Instagram.

Precisely in Instagram stories a new improvement has been implemented by the well-known platform. It is a tool for them that allows brands and users to quickly know and see all the mentions that are received, in addition to sharing those stories in which they have been mentioned. The tool is responsible for displaying the total mentions received, which makes it much easier for any brand or person to both analyze and manage the content generated by other users.

In this way, Instagram Stories launches the new tool in the «Create«, Which allows each user to view, configure and edit the mentions of other accounts in a much more comfortable and fast way, a tool that is represented by a«@ » and that appears in the "Create" mode of Instagram Stories.

This new option, with the symbol "@" you will only find it in the "Create" mode of your Instagram Stories camera in those cases in which you have current mentions in the public stories of other users. The tool itself is in charge of showing you the total number of mentions of other stories that you have available, as well as offering you directly to add them to the story you are creating.

This tool is really useful, both for individual users and especially for companies or any account in which users are encouraged to generate their own content and tag them. This is because many times the Stories format is used to give opinions about products or services, to give thanks for something in particular, for contests and sweepstakes, etc. This makes work easier and is, without a doubt, an excellent improvement that will be very well received by users, taking into account that at the moment it is not available to all users.

As is usual in this type of updates, they progressively reach all users, so if you do not yet have the option and you have mentions from other users, make sure that you have the application updated to the latest version (you can do it quickly and easily by going to the application store of your operating system) and be aware that it may be a matter of days before you have it activated.

Until now, users and brands had been forced to capture or share these mentions through direct messages, since they received a notification that they had been mentioned by other users. Now, thanks to this new exclusive tool for mentions, the full story can be shared. With this new functionality, both account creators and administrators will have greater ease and comfort when it comes to organizing the different mentions and thus being able to adopt different strategies and plans to publish their content.

Thus, you can have more tools to be able to publish content in a more efficient way, so it is good news for all those people who are regularly in this type of situation, with a large number of mentions that they should know manage and administer. Thanks to this new function it will no longer be a problem for them, they will be able to use them to use them in their publications in a much more comfortable and simple way than they should have done so far.

In this way, Instagram continues to add more functionalities and features to its Instagram stories, one of the highest performance and platform functions on the platform. This new tool has come together with the decision to include direct messages in the browser version of the platform, in an attempt by Instagram to offer greater versatility and functionality and tools with which brands and influencers can carry out their actions. and manage in a more effective way.

The reality is that it is a very interesting function, not so much for people who use their account for purely personal purposes, but also, but especially for companies or businesses, as well as for influencers, who often resort to requesting from their clients or followers to be mentioned in their Instagram stories and then share their publications. Thanks to this new tool, everything is now much simpler and thus responds to the needs and requirements of many professionals who have been requesting a function of this type for a long time.

What is clear is that once again Instagram continues to bet on improving its services and providing its users with more and more possibilities and options, the vast majority of these improvements being focused on their Instagram Stories, which it tries to continue squeezing taking into account which is the function that is most successful among the users of its platform.

In fact, it is very likely that, as in previous years, new developments related to these platform functionality will occur, either in the form of new stickers or additional tools such as the one indicated here and focused on "Mentions".

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