Learning to handle Instagram and all its functionalities is essential to get the most out of the well-known social network, which continues to grow day by day around the world, with millions of registered users and active users who make use of the sharing platform. your photos and videos, or to broadcast live.

Get a greater number of followers, publish the photos in the best possible way or be able to recover past stories at a specific time, all of them being little tricks that, despite their simplicity, are really useful and it is highly advisable to keep them in mind to be able to enjoy to the maximum of the platform.

Next we are going to show you 10 Instagram tricks you should know, whether you are a user with a personal account within the social network, or if you have a professional or company account that you want to promote to reach your target audience.

The 10 Instagram tricks you should know

Select who can see your stories

In Instagram it is possible to configure the stories so that they can only be seen by best friends or to hide them for specific users, something useful if you want any of your contacts to not be able to access the visualization of them.

To do this, you just have to go to your user profile, where you must click on the icon with the three horizontal lines that is located in the upper right part of the screen. Once there you will have to click on Configuration and later on Privacy e History. From this menu you will be able to choose who you give permission to and who you don't to be able to view the stories you post on the social network.

Don't get obsessed with using Instagram

It is not advisable to spend a lot of time in the application, and that is why Instagram has a specific function that helps you to know the time you spend on the platform, and even manage notices regarding its use.

To do this you have to go to your Instagram user profile and there click on the icon of the three horizontal lines, and then, in the drop-down menu, select Your Activity.

Buy on Instagram

It is possible to make purchases through Instagram, for which you will only need to have a credit card or link the PayPal account with the app. From the moment a payment method is configured, you can already buy on Instagram.

In addition, it is important that the card is protected in the security menu, so that purchases can be made without having to constantly enter bank details to buy all kinds of items.

Save the photos

If you have seen a photo that you like on the social network and you want to have it on hand at any time, the app itself offers the possibility of saving photos. When you want to save content published on the platform by another user, just click on the icon with the shape of a banner that appears in each publication.

Once you have clicked on this icon you can save the photos and even store them by collections if you wish for greater organization.

Retrieve your stories and posts

To be able to recover the photos that you have saved, you just have to go to your profile and click on the button of the clock icon that appears in the upper left part of the screen, from where you will access the file, a section in which you can see all the stories and posts you have made. These are saved even if they have been archived, so that even if they are no longer seen in the profile, they are not lost and you can always have them at your disposal.

Gain followers quickly

To get more followers on the Instagram account and quickly there are different methods, one of which is to use special hashtags, as is the case with #FollowPorFollow, so that you will let other users know that they are in a position to exchange follow-ups to grow the accounts.

Scan Instagram of other users

Using the ID cards you can scan someone else's Instagram. This is a quick option so that when you are with a person and they ask for the account, you can make them follow you quickly and without having to search for the username. There is also the possibility of personalizing this card if desired.

Turn off tags on other users' posts

If you don't want other people to tag you in photos, you can adjust from Configuration this aspect, thus controlling that nobody can tag you or only people you follow. In any case, you can always hide any photo that you did not like and that you do not want to appear on your profile.

Edit the texts of your photos

Unlike what happens on other social platforms, on Instagram you can edit the texts of your photographs, as well as the people you have tagged in your publications. However, in the case of photos, you will not be able to modify them if they are already published, but you will have to delete them and upload them again. Similarly, if you don't like some comments, you can delete them.

Don't use the Instagram camera

Finally, a tip to keep in mind is that you do not use the Instagram camera to take pictures, that is, if you want to upload a photograph or make a video, it is advisable that, instead of using the camera directly from the application , take the photo from your mobile camera and then upload it to your account through the gallery, since this way you will be able to enjoy a higher quality in your image.

In this way, through these tricks you can make your experience in the well-known social network better, taking advantage of the different functions that are implemented in the social platform itself, which has millions of users worldwide.

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