It is possible that on some occasion you have thought or wanted to download all the photos that you have on your Instagram profile but you have not known how to do it, either because you have made the decision to delete your account for some reason or simply because you would like to have all those images that you uploaded to the platform on your computer or smartphone to share them with other people or simply store them in the terminal or in some type of cloud storage service.

If you want to know how to download all instagram photos For whatever reason, below we are going to explain all the steps you must follow to do it, whether you have a mobile device with an Android operating system or if you do it from a terminal with iOS (Apple).

Next we are going to explain the steps you must follow in each of these operating systems, so that you do not have any problem when downloading the images that you have uploaded to your Instagram account, so that you can have a copy of security of all these contents.

How to download Instagram photos from an Android mobile phone

First of all we are going to explain to you how to download all instagram photos in case you want to do it from a mobile device with Android operating system. You must start from the basis that the official instagram application does not allow you to download photos, neither those of other users you follow nor your own. However, it must be borne in mind that there are some applications for this operating system that allow the download of all the photos you have on your Instagram account.

One of the best options if you want to know how to download all instagram photos is resorting to the use of SwiftSave, which can be downloaded for free and has a very simple operation, so that any user can enjoy the advantages of the application in an appropriate way.

Once the application is downloaded and installed in your terminal, you must run the application. At first, it will ask you to identify yourself in it with your Instagram account. Once you have done it, you will be able to see how your photo feed appears on the screen, with the stories located at the top and a menu similar to the one you can find in the official application of the well-known social network.

Through this application it is very easy to download the photos, since you will only have to make a long press on the image you want, after which you will see how it darkens and an "ok" sign appears. Then you must go browsing through your entire feed and select with a long press all those images that you want to download, just like you did with the first one.

Once you have selected all those that you are interested in downloading, you will only have to click on the download button that you will find in the lower right part, represented with an icon with the down arrow, the usual one to represent a download.

If what you want is download all images from your Instagram account it is also very easy to do. To do this, you must go to the option that appears in the lower right part, so that you access your feed on the social network again, and then do the same as in the previous case, that is, select the first one for a long time image and then marking all the others. When you have all selected you will have to press the download button and you will be able to check how all the images are downloaded to your Android mobile device.

When you have finished downloading all the images you will be able to see how all of them are in your gallery, inside a folder called Swiftsave.

How to download Instagram photos from an iOS mobile phone (Apple)

In the event that instead of having a device with an Android operating system you have an Apple mobile device, that is, an iPhone with an iOS operating system, you have to look for different alternatives, since as is usually the case with the company of the bitten apple logo, there are greater restrictions regarding these types of applications.

The App Store places many more restrictions than the Google Play Store, so there are greater impediments to the creation of applications that manage to provide additional functionalities to those provided by the official applications themselves. Therefore, in this case you will not be able to find an application for iOS that serves you in the same way as the option you have at your disposal if you have an Android terminal.

Despite this, there is also the possibility of being able to download the images from your account to your device, in the way that we will explain below.

First of all you must access the Instagram application on your mobile to then access the photo that you are interested in saving and click on the three points that appear in the upper right part of each publication.

Next you will get different options, where you should choose «copy link«. Next you must go to Download Gram, where you can paste this link and thus proceed to download the image.

This trick also works for Android and for downloading images from a computer, although in the case of Android it is a better alternative to bet on the aforementioned application or one of its alternatives.

In this way you already know how to download the images you want from your Instagram accounts, whether you have a mobile terminal with Android operating system or if you have one with iOS, in a very simple way in each case, although even more so in the case of the Google operating system, which makes it possible to download directly from an application, something that is not possible in the case of the Apple device.

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