
The rise of vertical video is apparent on Instagram, with 400 users viewing not only photos but also 15-second videos on IG Stories daily. Given the growing popularity of vertical videos, Instagram launched IGTV in June 2018, designed to allow longer videos, ranging from 15 seconds to 10 minutes; and verified accounts can even upload videos up to 60 minutes long.

However, since the launch of this new feature, there hasn't been a lot of buzz about it among Instagram users and marketers don't seem to be enjoying it as much as they are. should; until the new IGTV preview starts appearing on the main stream in February 2019. But is that enough? If you're a brand investing time and effort into your IGTV channel, you'll want to get the most out of your marketing investments and relying on that last feature may not be enough. If you want to boost your IGTV videos, there are several ways you can promote them and reach more users. Here are seven ways to promote your IGTV videos in order to attract more viewers …

"Upload" your IGTV videos to IG Stories

Instagram has made it very easy to promote your IGTV videos to its users by simply sending an IG story when you upload your IGTV video. All you have to do is select the option to also send to "Stories" while you upload your video to IGTV, so that a screenshot of your video is captured. IGTV be visible on your story and users can then swipe up to view your IGTV video.

Los mejores consejos sobre la promocion de videos IGTV para

Promote your IGTV videos on Facebook

If you create IGTV exclusive videos and want to promote them on Facebook, you can create a short teaser video letting your Facebook audience know that you have exclusive content that they can watch on IGTV. IGTV can be accessed through the standalone app or by clicking the leftmost button under your Instagram bio, so you can also notify them of the button access so that they don't have to. not to download a separate application.

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Write a blog about your IGTV video

If you're filming for IGTV, there's a good chance you've scripted your videos. In this case, writing a blog about your IGTV videos will be very quick and easy to do. You simply copy the IGTV script and paste it into your blog post, then embed your IGTV video into the post, so your readers can choose to read your blog content or watch the video. If you don't write scripts for your IGTV videos, that's fine. You don't need to write a long copy, a short paragraph introducing the video is enough.

Promote your IGTV video on Instagram live

When promoting your IGTV video in a live session on Insta Stories, you can choose to focus your broadcast on IGTV video, inviting your viewers to watch it or discussing a related topic to your IGTV video to pique the interest of your viewers and then let them know that you have an IGTV video that is relevant to it. Unlike other ways to promote your IGTV, chatting about it in a live session allows your viewers to ask you questions about the video and you can answer those questions in real time. Of course, you want to direct them to your IGTV video, so that you can briefly answer questions and let your audience know they can learn more about your video.

Add a link to your IGTV video on your electronic signature

Besides the usual name and company information, you can use your email signature to promote your IGTV videos by adding a direct link to your IGTV channel. You can manually enter this link "www.instagram.com/YourInstagramName/channel/" and replace "YourInstagramName" with your current username. Another way to add your IGTV channel link to your email signature is to go to your Instagram page using a desktop or desktop computer. laptop, click on the "IGTV" tab, then copy and paste the url into your email signature line.

Promote your IGTV on your mailing list

What is your mailing list for? To encourage your subscribers to take advantage of promotions? To inform them of the latest updates on your brand? Whatever the main purpose of your email newsletters, it never hurts to align your email campaigns with your social media marketing. You can choose to expressly advertise your IGTV video and add a link in a dedicated section of your email newsletter, send a short copy with a link to the IGTV video or add your IGTV channel link with your others social media icons in the header or footer of your email campaign.

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Promote your IGTV videos on Twitter

When promoting your IGTV videos on Twitter, keep in mind that you don't just tell your Twitter followers that you have an IGTV video and add a link. Do this and your post will simply be ignored. Instead, tweet about something related to your IGTV video and add a catchy image to make your Twitter followers want to watch your IGTV video, then add the link. You can also add Twitter hashtags to broaden your reach. You might also want to promote the same video multiple times in a few days as the movement on this social media platform is quite fast.

There you have it, seven ways to broadcast the news of your IGTV videos and gain viewers. Unlike IG Stories videos, the videos you upload to your IGTV channel are longer and stay there for as long as you want, just like the videos you upload to YouTube or Vimeo. Considering these, it is just right to plan and shoot your IGTV videos carefully and promote them for more people to watch. So try these strategies and watch your viewership increase!


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