
It's common knowledge that Instagram is great for small businesses and big brands. Their various features, which are starting to mirror those of the Facebook Marketplace, make doing business incredibly easy for everyone.

You can scroll through your Instagram feed and see a really cute jacket you like, tap the photo and buy it right from the app. It & # 39; s so easy! These innovations have virtually changed the way we do business, making life much simpler and easier.

As one of the most used social media apps today, you're missing out if you're not using Instagram to market your business. (Or you don't do it productively.) This is an inexpensive method not only for marketing, but also for branding, advertising, and sales.

And as a social media marketer, sales and user engagement are practically gold. This is where Instagram ads come in.

Instagram ads are a great way to promote your business and increase your reach, allowing you to tell your story through photos and videos.

Still not sold on the ads? Here are a few reasons why it's important to your business:

Ads increase brand awareness

Por que os anuncios do Instagram sao importantes para sua

One of the main benefits of Instagram ads is the ability to increase brand awareness. Significantly.

With up to a billion users on the app, you have a wide range of potential customers to market to, most of whom don't even know you exist yet.

The more people see your brand, the more they become familiar with it. Which in turn builds trust and credibility between you and potential clients. This is great for brand credibility as 70% of users will only buy products from a brand they know and think they can trust, by opposition to a random stranger.

The more frequently your ads appear, the more curious potential customers are and that brings them closer to that first sale.

Ads = affordable marketing

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When it comes to costs, Instagram ads are one of the more affordable options in the social media space. Plus, you can easily create an ad based on your budget. You don't need to break the bank and waste all that marketing budget all at once. What you need to do is choose a daily budget, and you may still be able to reach a large audience.

The main reason Instagram ads are so affordable is their pay-per-click model. This template means you only pay every time a user clicks on your ad and goes to your page, website, or store. No click means no payment.

This is great because even if not everyone clicks on your ads, they still see them and the image is etched in their mind. Remember: the more they see it, the more familiar they become with it. So it's a win-win.

Ads support customer targeting

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It can be incredibly difficult to market a product to a large number of people. There are very few products in the world with a customer base that reaches a large population. If your product isn't one of them, you will benefit from targeted marketing, which Instagram is best.

Using ads, you can specify which demographic you want to target your campaigns to. You can choose from age, location, interests, gender, and many more. The idea is to tailor your ad to the demographic that is most likely to buy your product or service.

For example, an advertisement for men's shaving cream will target men over 14/15 years old, near your store, among many other details depending on your brand choice. This is a great way to get what you want from your ads.

These targeted ads work because of the amount of data that Facebook and Instagram are constantly collecting from their users. Each like and post is saved and used to configure the next post to display.

Use it to your advantage.

Video ads

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video can say a million more. Using videos for your Instagram ads is a great way to showcase your brand's storytelling skills.

Create ads that last up to 60 seconds and deliver them to your audience. People usually have a short attention span, so try to create a short ad that gets straight to the point and gets your point across.

The point is, most people would rather watch an explainer video than read a wall of text.

Another great benefit of using Instagram ads is that your videos are more likely to go completely viral. Since it's connected to your Instagram page, profile views are set to skyrocket astronomically!

Carousel ads

These ads are another great way to promote your business on Instagram. The carousel feature allows you to add multiple photos and videos in one post.

This allows you to add loads of information in a single ad. Users can easily swipe up to get to your website, making it the best ad for conversions.

Ads analysis

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Insta Ads provides the best analytics for your business. You can follow the progress of your ads mid-campaign. Take a look at the information and reach of your ad and see how many people have clicked on the link to your business page and are actively making purchases.

It shows you sales, leads, and how much you've spent on your ads so far. Once you've looked at your analytics, you can adjust for better results over time as long as you continue to use paid ads.

Above and beyond

These are just a few of the few reasons Instagram ads are best for your business. As an IG brand, marketer, creator or influencer, you should definitely consider Instagram ads in your social media marketing strategy.

Make a few sample ads to determine the best setup and demographics for you. Once you know what works best, the sky is the limit.


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